Monday, 22 September 2014

That's some serious blogging man

I think I may be just about on the cusp of the verge of the edge of almost getting back into this blogging lark. Possibly.

But a new, more serious, attitude to said bloggage is required. So, I'm contemplating a new home for Mind Bloggling. Probably on Wordpress. With proper hosting. And a vanity url. Serious s**t.

Watch this space. And then watch that (new) space.

In the meantime, I can be found blogging about creativity for IRISS's Creative Quarter.

And I recently wrote this for 23 Librarians.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

I am creative!

My team has two main objectives, the first, being to “foster a belief that we are all creative and that creativity has a role to play in our work”.

Which means that on a daily basis I’m talking to colleagues about creativity, explaining why we need to be more creative as an organisation, encouraging them to try new ways of doing/looking at things…blah, blah, blah, etc.

But this also needs to be about modelling behaviours and I’ve been conscious for a while that I may not be as good as I could be at taking my own medicine. I’ve got a bit stuck in my own ways of doing things. And I don’t push myself out of my comfort zone very often.

So - inspired by a load of stuff, not least this blog; a conversation with Alison Williams and reading BITE, the book she co-edited; and this IRISS project – I thought, how about setting myself a daily creativity challenge? And I thought. And I thought. And I thought some more. And then I thought, if I tell Twitter I’m doing it, then it'll have to happen! So I put this on Twitter last night.
And, serendipitously, today I find myself with a bit of spare time that I wasn’t due to have.

So here’s what I’m thinking. Every day, I will do something creative. And I’ll share it on this Tumblr and on Twitter (hashtag #iamcreative). I may post some stuff here. I’ll also post on our Yammer network.

Other than that, there will be no rules. I’m not going to further define ‘something creative’. It might be something very obviously work related; it might not. Some days it might be something very small; other days it might be something big and dramatic!  It could be small c creativity; or big C creativity (very unlikely!); or something in between.
I will try very hard to do something every day, but I’m sure I’ll miss days here and there. I'm not committing to 365 days, or anything like that - if it begins to feel like a chore, I’ll stop.
If this tickles your fancy, why don't you join me :-) ?